Drones - The Cooliest!

A DJI vision 2+

Drones are so cool man. I wish I had one. I really want one for Christmas, although most are far too expensive. This is mainly because I want one with a controllable camera mount/gimbal. Flying drones is fun, but the aerial pictures you can take from 100's of feet up are crazy. (see the pictures at the end of the post). Drone technology is always evolving, and there are even drones with auto pilot that can fly to a set destination, take pictures, and return back to its flyer. Drones are freaking awesome, however there are privacy concerns with being able to take video and pictures from high above. Drones also pose a security threat, as they could be equipped with weapons ranging from automatic guns and turrets to dropping bombs of all types on civilians.

Here are some crazy-cool aerial shots people have gotten with drones:

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